Artist Emilia Ilke sleeps in black. If she’s not too inspired to fall asleep, that is. A state of mind that can only be cured by playing Dr. Mario inside her own head.
Since we’ve always admired Ilke’s art and her down to earth appearance we invited ourselves over for a cup of morning tea. Now all we can think about is the apartment in the old school building from the 50’s (why don’t they build schools like this anymore?) where Emilia lives top floor with her partner Fredrik and their son Igor.
Tuesday evening ends:
I always aim for 10pm, but usually don’t go to in bed before 11 anyway … or even later. I have a hard time detaching myself from the precious “me time” when it suddenly occurs.
Before turning off the lights:
I scroll Instagram for a while before fumbling into the dark bedroom where my son is already sleeping.
I sleep in:
Something black.
I share the bed with:
My partner Fredrik and our son Igor.
On my nightstand:
A pile of magazines. And sometimes my phone. But I try to phase out my phone from the bedroom so it almost never happens anymore.
On my partner’s nightstand:
He actually doesn’t have one. We have this idea of getting a bigger bed and build a headboard with built-in storage … But so far it works pretty well for us as it is so we’ll see if it happens.
My best tip for a good night’s sleep:
Have dinner with friends and laugh until it’s way too late!
Keeps me awake:
Sometimes I’m just too inspired to sleep! Like I’m on speed. The ideas flow in my head and I come up with something new with each breath. Also, can’t sleep if I had coffee after 2 o’clock, haha. I almost never drink coffee and I’m SO sensitive.
My version of counting sheep:
I play Dr Mario inside my head. It’s a version of Tetris. Kind of.
I have this dream since many years that I’m on my way to New York but I never arrive. Let’s see if I ever get there in real life.
– Emilia Ilke
My best midnight snack:
Nothing. Not even when I was pregnant. Never understood the point of eating or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
I last dreamt about:
Oh good God, I have no idea. But, in fact, I usually remember my dreams and I have several returning dreams. Often about terrible things, killers and stuff like that. But I also have this dream since many years that I’m on my way to New York but I never arrive. Let’s see if I ever get there in real life.
My evening beauty routine:
Face wash, BHA peeling, serum and moisture mask from Paula’s Choice.
Favourite bedroom feature:
The calmness, that the colors are in tune with each other and that it’s quite scaled down to be me. Also, the view. I love to rest my eyes on the movements of the pine trees outside the window.
Wednesday morning starts at:
When Igor has feeling, around 6 nowadays. First he wants to breastfeed, then he slips down from the bed and opens the door with a bang. I have no choice but to wake up quickly and follow him.

My alarm sounds like:
I never set the alarm. No need when I have Igor’s early babbles.
The first thing I see:
Igor, haha! He has taken over my life?!
My morning mood:
Always happy. Never completely rested. Unfortunately. I am both a morning and an evening person. I love to sleep, but I often feel too stressed to make the session long enough.
Everyday breakfast:
Kefir with granola. And tea, always!
Birthday breakfast:
Cake and tea would be nice! And fresh strawberries since my birthday is in June.
A dreamy weekend morning:
Sleep in! That would mean sleeping until 8:00. I would wake up by myself and have a look through the blinds to find the sun is shining outside. Then I would bounce up for a quick shower and a fast breakfast on the go before taking a leap for a bath from a sunny cliff or a flea market around the hood.
Morning beauty routine:
BHA Peeling, day cream with spf 30, CC-cream and rogue. I color my eyebrows and lashes at home to minimize the daily morning fix.
My do’s and don’ts when making the bed:
I want the bed to be made as soon as possible and the blinds to be up pronto! After breakfast by latest. But I have no particular routine on how to place pillows and bedspread and so on. Although I like my bed linen and pillows to be in harmony with each other. I guess my only “Don’t” is not making the bed in the morning at all.
Also, we just have to ask… Where can we buy your awesome art?
Directly from me on Instagram, through my website emilia.ilke.se or via pomgallery.se.
Text by Josephine Blix
Photo by: Mikael Lundblad

Shop the look
Flat sheet 260×260 cm Pebble65EUR
Fitted sheet Pebble50EUR – 65EUR
Pillow case 2 pcs Pebble30EUR – 40EUR
Duvet cover Pebble65EUR – 105EUR