The owner of Stockholm’s most trend-setting breakfast spot has cookbooks on her nightstand, feels spoiled when she gets a chance to lie in and starts the day with just two cups of coffee, even though morning meals are serious business in her family.
Anna Axelsson and her husband Rasmus have been running the café Pom & Flora since 2012, and we paid them a visit recently to document a breakfast tray. But once there — we couldn’t resist sneaking into every charming corner of their apartment a stone’s throw from Mosebacke’s cobbled streets.
Tuesday evening ends at:
Around 8.30 or 9pm when the whole family goes to bed together. I understand it certainly sounds too early and quite dull… But even though we all lay down together my evening doesn’t end there. When the kids have fallen asleep, I think it’s relaxing to stay awake in bed and watch an episode of the Swedish renovation show “Husdrömmar” or read all my favorite blogs.
Before turning off the lights:
I set the alarm.
I sleep in:
My pajamas. The favorite ones are always found in H&M’s male department.
I share the bed with:
My husband, always one of two children and our dog Pim.
On my nightstand:
My phone, hand cream, fresh cut flowers and a motley collection of books that I seldom finish. I love cookbooks but rarely have time to prepare anything from them, but I always browse them for recipe inspiration.
On my husband’s nightstand:
Headphones and his phone. Podcasts and documentaries from Swedish national radio P3 is his thing.
When you run a breakfast café, free mornings are ”not on the menu”, so to speak…
– Anna Axelsson
My best tip for a good night’s sleep:
Put on a face mask, jump in a hot bath with a lovely bath oil (right now my favorite is Breathless from Aesop) and go to bed in clean sheets.
Keeps me awake:
Thoughts about the future, my children and our café Pom & Flora.
My version of counting sheep:
I usually fall asleep just a few minutes after my head hits the pillow.
My best midnight snack:
A piece of dark chocolate.
My evening beauty routine:
I’ve got vitiligo on my hands and parts of my face, so I’ve become a bit manic when it comes to my face-routine. I know the creams don’t treat the white spots, but it feels good to still work on the glow and keep the skin moisturized. I wash the face with Eneomey’s soft cleanser, followed by toner from Paula’s choice, 8% AHA lotion from Paula’s Choice, truth serum from Ole Henriksen and finally a moisturizer.
Favorite bedroom feature:
My nightstand.

Wednesday morning starts at:
Around 4.30 am.
My alarm sounds like:
The classic iPhone ringtone.
The first thing I see:
Not much since it’s dark outside when I get up. But I feel our dog Pim who’s sleeping on my leg and the warm breath from my son next to me.
My morning mood:
A bit sleepy but glad to get the day started.
Everyday breakfast:
I always start the day with two cups of coffee but usually I’m not that hungry early in the morning. Instead, I eat something later at Pom & Flora like a boiled egg, a smoothie or porridge after having been awake for a couple of hours.
Birthday breakfast:
When you run a breakfast café, free mornings are ”not on the menu”, so to speak… Therefore, when it’s birthday-time, we spoil each other with the classic breakfast tray with boiled egg, candles in the avocado sandwich, coffee – and smoothies for the kids.

A dreamy weekend morning:
Starts in our summerhouse in Sörmland, south of Stockholm. That’s where I recover. I sleep in (which my husband knows is the best way to spoil me), and when I eventually wake up, I go down to the kitchen where he’s making breakfast for us. Then we sit down together, us grown-ups enjoy our first meal of the day, and the kids eat their second breakfast.
Morning beauty routine:
Almost the same as in the evening, but in the morning I finish the routine with a day cream with high SPF and drop a glow booster from Clarins to smooth my skin tone. I’ve never had any particular make-up interest, so I use very little and am super happy with the decision to make 3D eyebrows.
My do’s and don’ts when making the bed:
Multiple pillows is a must and after a few years with a large, shared duvet we’ve realized having two or three smaller ones is better because there is nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night without any.
Also, we just have to ask… Do you purposely create the Pom & Flora- menu with perfect instagram pictures on your mind? And what’s the secret behind 100% insta-friendly food?
Honestly, I never have Instagram in mind when creating our menu. Instead, I base it on seasonal ingredients and try to achieve perfect flavors by adding new toppings. One day, for example, I can get inspired by the characteristics of a North African dish and use similar spices and combinations in a new way. Another day I might get motivated to create the world’s best egg-sandwich. What’s common is that everything we serve runs from a sincere dedication and will to create something unique for our guests when they visit the restaurants, follow us at social media or read our cookbook.
Text by Antonia af Petersens
Photo by Malin Cropper

Shop the look
Flat sheet 260×260 cm Pebble65EUR
Fitted sheet Pebble50EUR – 65EUR
Pillow case 2 pcs Pebble30EUR – 40EUR
Duvet cover Pebble65EUR – 105EUR